Saturday 26 November 2011

Caring Bridge

Just a short post, but I just wanted to share how happy I am that my cousin Jenny has just 'rung the bell' on her final chemo treatment for breast cancer over in Canada where her and her family have been living for the past few years. She's still got a way to go yet before she's out of the woods, but it must feel so good to know that this particular stage of her treatment is now at an end, which hopefully means no more horrible chemo side effects (although the drug she'll need to keep taking does still have some nasty side effects as well), and hopefully it also means she'll get her strength up in time for Christmas, which I know will mean a lot to her family, especially the kids, who've had a hard time getting their heads around their Mum not being well.

It must have been really hard for Jenny as she's always been really fit and healthy (she used to be a dancer), and a really hands on Mum, so she's not been used to feeling ill and weak, but she's kept really positive and has been keeping us all up to date by posting her progress on Caring Bridge, so for those of us who don't live nearby it's been great to hear how she's doing and be able to send her our wishes and thoughts on her guest book through both the good and bad times of her treatment.

I am so proud of her for keeping strong and positive and I know a lot of that strength comes from her and her family's religious faith, and she obviously has a very strong and loyal community of friends around her in Canada and over the pond, and it's been lovely reading all the messages of love and strength to keep her going.

So anyway, this is just to say well done Jenny through getting through this grueling stage of treatment, and fingers crossed everything goes well in the next few months!!

Love, Lettie xx

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