Saturday 12 November 2011

Accidentally in Love - Counting Crows (my attempt)

Another post of me potentially embarrassing myself on film for Jem and Steve's wedding.

This time something very different and a bit more up-beat than the last one, it's Counting Crows, Accidentally in Love (from Shrek 2) and I'm singing a capella this time (just thought I'd throw in a bit of musical terminology there to make it look like I know what I'm doing. Did I fool you? Thought not.) Obviously if you do like it, then Tom and I may well play/sing it differently once we had a chance to get together and work stuff out, but this is just to give you an idea...

Again apologies for the gurning!

Helpful comments welcome :D


  1. Hey Let! Good job :) On the singing, and the blog! Keep trying to start one, always fail though, but you seem to be keeping it up quite well :P Hope everything's good! Say hey to Tom :)

  2. Hey Dan, thanks for the comment and words of encouragement :) It's fun doing the blog so you should definitely try and get into the habit of it. Sure you'd have more interesting things to write about than me anyway! Lol! Tom says 'hi' back btw! :)
