Saturday 3 December 2011

A Stream in the Sky....

Hi again, 

finally got round to taking photos off my phone of one of our recent walks on a particularly beautiful Autumn day in North Wales. We walked over the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct (something I've wanted to do for a while, as I mentioned in a previous post) and it really was beautiful so here's a link to some more pics.

L. Bardsley, 2011
Turns out it's the longest and highest aqueduct in Britain, as well as being a World Heritage Site (as is the Colosseum in Rome just to put it in perspective) which I didn't know until we reached the other side. I also didn't realise it was a particularly noteworthy tourist attraction until we had to squeeze past groups of tourists coming from the other direction - a tad nerve-wracking given how narrow the walkway was, and given that some of the bars on the barrier were really quite wobbly, which Tom took great pleasure in pointing out to me. Even though the views were lovely from the top, it was actually even more better from below as you got a real sense of how high up the structure is, plus the sun was beginning to set which made the light look really cool on the pics (in my humble opinion). It was also a lot more peaceful down by the river as there weren't any tourists down there (just the odd dog-walker).

If you get the chance I'd definitely recommend a wander over there on a nice Autumn day - the colours on the trees were just spectacular at that time of year.

Bye for now

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